jeudi 24 octobre 2013


We can now clearly see that Halloween is coming next week! Even is this event came first from Europe, we don't celebrate it a lot. Maybe we have a few "Halloween" parties, but that's all. This will be the first time I will party on 10/31 and I hope Lea & I will have a great time! Even without partying, it's awesome to see all the houses, the shops, everything with decorations. Home, we only do that for Christmas!

This Wednesday, Lea and I decided to experience the American Halloween; we went out to buy Pumpkins. Walking hard with them was hard, but we made it! I even made a pumpkin soup, it's sooooo good.   

In classes

Lea's and my Pumpkins
On peut maintenant clairement voir qu'Halloween est la semaine prochaine! J'epère que Lea et moi allons fêter ça dignement pour la première fois qu'on aura un vrai Halloween.

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